Since buying my first digital camera in 2015, landscape photography has become a great passion of mine. With that, I have also picked up a growing interest and fascination of nature and its beauty.
Most of my photographs are captured around the area where I grew up – Hilly region of Kavre and Surrounded Hills of Kathmandu, Nepal. I very much enjoy capturing these areas and return there regularly to do so. These are however not the only areas I photograph, as can be seen in my gallery. Capturing new areas is what I find to be most exciting and I will thus take the chance to visit new areas as often as possible.
The goal with my photography is to capture Nepal’s most beautiful landscapes when they are as beautiful as they get.
When I take a photograph, I do not only capture a place – I capture a moment as well. This is to me one of the greatest beauties of nature and landscape photography. Every lighting condition is unique, and the same place will never be seen in the exact same way twice. What you see in my photographs is my visualization of that particular moment.
The purpose of this website is to allow other people to see the places and moments I have had the pleasure to witness. My hope is to invoke visitors with a greater respect, understanding and interest of nature’s beauty.
I have built everything on this site myself with some much appreciated help and advice from family and friends.